Monthly Archives: January 2017


Welcome “Red Sphinx” Readers!

We have something special for you: an additional appendix of Historical Notes and Commentary that supplements the material in the published edition! Click on through to the RED SPHINX page for a wealth of added background and fun facts that will enrich your read-through of Dumas’s rediscovered classic novel!

By |2017-03-29T13:50:00-04:00January 23, 2017|The Red Sphinx|Comments Off on Welcome “Red Sphinx” Readers!

New Article On Silent Screen Swashbucklers!

The first part of my extended two-part article on swashbuckler movies of the silent era has been posted by our friends at If you like that sort of thing, then it’s the sort of thing you’ll like! Go to our LINKS page to connect to the article—and watch for Part Two next week.

By |2017-02-22T19:49:11-05:00January 12, 2017|Swashbuckler Movies|Comments Off on New Article On Silent Screen Swashbucklers!
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